art & artists

We have some incredibly talented people here at Hot Bed Press. At any one time we have up to 300 members so we can't introduce you to them all, but we'd like to show you just a few!

We have 20 studios on the first and second floors of Hot Bed Press. You don't have to be a printmaker to have a studio here... but it helps! Here's just some of the lovely artists we are proud to support through studio provision:

Karen Joyce

I spend my studio time printmaking, mostly collagraphs, and making artists books. It's all that keeps me sane.

Nell Smith

I am an illustrator and printmaker working from a studio at Hot Bed Press in Salford since 2014.

Joey Collins

Joey has work in private collections internationally and in the permanent collection of Salford Museum and Art Gallery.

Megan Price

Megan Price screenprints her collection of Mr.PS handkerchiefs, homeware and accessories in her studio at HBP; selling to customers online as well as wholesale to craft galleries and independent shops. @MegPS

Karen Joyce

I spend my studio time printmaking, mostly collagraphs, and making artists books. It's all that keeps me sane.

Nell Smith

I am an illustrator and printmaker working from a studio at Hot Bed Press in Salford since 2014.

Joey Collins

Joey has work in private collections internationally and in the permanent collection of Salford Museum and Art Gallery.

Megan Price

Megan Price screenprints her collection of Mr.PS handkerchiefs, homeware and accessories in her studio at HBP; selling to customers online as well as wholesale to craft galleries and independent shops. @MegPS

Interested in becoming a studio holder?

Here's a small selection of some of the great prints that are created at Hot Bed Press.

We are proud to be partnering with The University of Salford to offer an annual scholarship at Hot Bed Press. The scholarships are selected annually, with each scholar being given a studio and Regular User Membership as well as a bespoke package of support for the year.

Laura Moxon-Groves


Laura works primarily in etching and subverts classical and traditionaI iconography. 'I use metaphorical and figurative imagery to reconstruct reality. My work challenges the ideas of my escapist reality that has grown with me into early adulthood with ideas of fantasy narratives and imaginary world building. Psychoanalysis, folk tales and Christian iconography are important references to the origin of a childhood escapist reality that I refer to as The Midhellground.'

Laura Moxon-Groves


Laura works primarily in etching and subverts classical and traditionaI iconography. 'I use metaphorical and figurative imagery to reconstruct reality. My work challenges the ideas of my escapist reality that has grown with me into early adulthood with ideas of fantasy narratives and imaginary world building. Psychoanalysis, folk tales and Christian iconography are important references to the origin of a childhood escapist reality that I refer to as The Midhellground.'

Interested in becoming an artist in residence?

Come And Join Us

We welcome new members all year round. Anyone can join. You need a little bit of experience; but that can be from doing one of our weekend or evening courses, after which you can carry on and practice what you've learnt on the course. We've got a few types of membership to suit your purse or your time. Just g to our Membership section for more details.